Share Structure
& Stock Info

Share Structure

Capital Structure
Working Capital(1) $32.0 M
Shares Outstanding(1) 75.1 M
Warrants Outstanding(2) 3.8 M
Stock Options(3) 6.1 M

(1) As at December 31, 2023
(2) As at April 25, 2024; Includes 3.4 million pre-paid warrants issued to Imperial Oil Limited
(3) As at April 25, 2024


As of April 26, 2024

TSX Venture - Quoted in CAD ETL
Share Price $1.82
Market Cap $137 M
Share Price $1.31
Market Cap $99 M

Stock Information

2024-07-26 16:15:01 | Symbol: ETL
Open $1.110 Volume 104899
Last $1.120 Day Hi $1.140
Change -0.01 Day Low $1.080


2022-08-16 00:00:00 | Symbol: OW3
Open $1.812 Volume 400
Last $1.812 Day Hi $1.812
Change 0.00 Day Low $1.812


2024-07-26 14:28:03 | Symbol: EEMMF
Open $0.800 Volume 15085
Last $0.800 Day Hi $0.808
Change -0.02 Day Low $0.780


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